Hexcode-logoHexcode Inc.

Where form meets function


Hexcode is an independent graphic and software design studio. We design apps. We create software. We build brands.

Hexcode is small but stubborn. Saying something "can't be done" only gets us going. So lets get going.

Get in touch

It starts with interaction.

Founded in Toronto in 2015, Hexcode brought together two partners from polar ends of the online spectrum. The result is bespoke online solutions that look amazing and work flawlessly.

Difficulty is what wakes up the genius.

Our Services

Just a few of the things we can do.

We present solutions that satisfy customers’ needs much more precisely than any off-the-shelf product.

The advantage of custom web applications is that they are tailored exactly to the way your business works. Whether you need to build a custom ERP, CRM or CMS from scratch, migrate your legacy backend, or streamline existing front-end functionality, we can accomplish that in an efficient and cost-effective manner.

We will deliver a web design solution which will help your site to stand out and give your company a unique custom brand.

Web design is a channel that offers many different advertising opportunities and helps small businesses, organizations, corporations and individuals promote their products and services. Superior web design makes all the difference and can mean the difference between a successful business and going out of business.

Truly defining your business is a critical first step in developing your marketing plan.

A great brand stands out in the market. To uncage your brand’s potential, you must engage the hearts and minds of your target audience—and as a brand activation agency, hearts and minds are our specialities. An agency that specializes in brand activation will ensure crucial consistency across marketing channels, and understand the tech-centric marketing climate.

A picture says a thousand words.

Humans are very visual and tend to look first and ask questions later. Essentially, this means our brains will focus on the imagery before reading the wording on a website. On a more biological level, our brains store images in our long-term memory whereas text is stored in our short-term memory. Images register in our brains much faster than words on a page do. It goes without saying that words are essential to help users learn about your product or services.

In today’s mobile world, there should be no question as to whether a business should have a Mobile App… only to when.

Develop powerful, highly usable mobile apps that solve business problems, attract users, and reinforce your brand. We build hybrid, and cross-platform apps that run on all major operating systems such as iOS and Android.
